Oral Health Integration Coaching Tools
December 2016
Coaching tools help practice facilitators lead new initiatives within their organization, providing them with the knowledge and resources they need to successfully complete projects. The Oral Health Integration Coaching Tools were developed to enhance the coaching skills of staff guiding oral health integration activities within their primary care practice. These coaching tools are intended to accompany the Oral Health Integration Implementation Guide and Toolset.
Oral Health Integration Implementation Guide
October 2016
The mouth is an integral part of the body and oral healthcare integration is an essential piece of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) journey. The Oral Health Delivery Framework was tested in 19 diverse primary care settings and has been shown to be a feasible and practical model model to address a previously unmet need.
This new implementation guide builds upon the experiences of these field-testing sites and provides guidance and tools a primary care practice can use to approach integrating oral health preventive services including case examples, workflow optimization tools, referral templates, and data reporting tools.
Oral Health: An Essential Component of Primary Care
June 2015
Oral health is essential for healthy development and healthy aging, yet nationwide there is an unacceptably high burden of oral disease. This new white paper from Qualis Health makes the case for incorporating preventive oral healthcare as a component of routine medical care and structuring referrals to dentistry. The Oral Health Delivery Framework provides a practical method for primary care teams of all types to engage patients and families in the prevention and early detection of oral disease.
October 10, 2016 – Qualis Health Publishes Comprehensive Guide for Implementing Oral Health Integration
Qualis Health has published a comprehensive set of tools to help primary care practices integrate oral health in order to deliver whole-person care and improve patient outcomes and experience. The “Oral Health Integration Implementation Guide” provides an action plan to implement screening for oral health risk factors and active disease, initiate appropriate preventive interventions, and coordinate dental care for those with active disease.
June 15, 2015 – Qualis Health Publishes Actionable Framework for Integrating Oral Health in Primary Care
Qualis Health has published a white paper, "Oral Health: An Essential Component of Primary Care," which makes the case for delivering preventive oral healthcare as a component of routine medical care and enhancing partnerships between primary care and dentistry.
October 15, 2014 – Special Issue of Medical Care Publishes Accomplishments of the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative
A special November supplement to the journal Medical Care presents the progress and lessons learned from the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative. The supplemental issue presents nine papers describing the 2008–2013 multi-state initiative that tested a replicable, sustainable implementation model to transform primary care safety net practices into patient-centered medical homes with benchmark performance in quality, efficiency and patient experience.
July 10, 2013 – Safety Net Medical Home Initiative Publishes PCMH Implementation Guide Series, 2nd Edition
Qualis Health and its partners have released an updated, comprehensive library of resources proven to effectively guide the transformation of primary care practices into patient-centered medical homes. Based on landmark efforts undertaken by 65 safety net practices across the country, the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative implementation tools are now available to lead other practices through similar transformation efforts.
Learn about the outcomes and achievements of the SNMHI. "SNMHI Project Summary: July 2013" provides a snapshot of the Initiative’s achievements, describes a new library of free resources and tools on PCMH implementation, and describes what comes next.
July 12, 2012 – A Model for Implementing the Patient-Centered Medical Home Published
In the June 2012 issue of Primary Care, investigators from the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative defined specific operational changes that primary care practices need to implement in order to become a patient-centered medical home. Investigators included The Commonwealth Fund's Melinda K. Abrams, MS; Qualis Health's Jonathan Sugarman, MD, MPH, and Kathryn Phillips, MPH; and Ed Wagner, MD, MPH, Katie Coleman, MSPH, and Robert Reid, MD, PhD, of The MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation at the Group Health Research Institute.
May 6, 2009 – New National Initiative to Transform Safety Net Clinics Into Medical Homes in Five States
The Colorado Community Health Network, the Idaho Primary Care Association, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, the Oregon Primary Care Association & CareOregon and the Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative were selected from a pool of 42 applicants as Regional Coordinating Centers (RCCs) for the Initiative.
May 27, 2008 – Qualis Health to Lead Commonwealth Fund National Medical Home Initiative for Safety Net Clinics
Qualis Health, a Seattle-based nonprofit quality improvement organization, will lead a groundbreaking five-year initiative to support 50 safety net clinics in achieving high performance through transformation to the patient-centered medical home model of healthcare delivery.
Our newest guide and tools will help you integrate preventive oral healthcare services into the primary care setting.