Implementing care teams is a critical element of transforming a practice into a patient-centered medical home. A care team is a small group of clinical and non-clinical staff who, together with a provider, are responsible for the health and well-being of a panel of patients. Who is on the care team and their specific roles will vary based on patient needs and practice organization.
Key changes for Continuous and Team-Based Healing Relationships:
Continuous and Team-Based Healing Relationships Executive Summary
Continuous and Team-Based Healing Relationships: Improving Patient Care Through Teams
This Implementation Guide provides guidance on how practices can develop and sustain strong care teams.
Continuous and Team-Based Healing Relationships Supplement: Elevating the Role of the Medical/Clinical Assistant
This supplement provides a curriculum and training materials (PowerPoint presentations, handouts, skill assessments, exams, etc.) that practices can use to enhance the skills of MAs/CAs. In the heading of each section is a Zipped File Icon. Click this icon to download a zipped file containing all the resources for that section
Team-Based Planning Worksheet
Types of Call Study
Cambridge Health Alliance Model of Team-Based Care Implementation Guide and Toolkit
Deeper Dive on Team Roles Part 2 (October 25, 2012)
Moderator: Nicole Van Borkulo, MEd, Qualis Health
Speakers: Catherine Dower, JD; Susan Chapman, PhD, RN; and Lisel Blash, MS, MPA, UCSF Center for the Health Professions (San Francisco, CA); Christine Klucznik, Cambridge Health Alliance (Boston, MA) ; Ann Turner and Sarah Deines, Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center (Cornelius, OR)
Audio & video program
Presentation slides
Deeper Dive on Team Roles Part 1 (October 3, 2012)
Moderator: Diane Altman Dautoff, MSW, Qualis Health
Speakers: Ed Wagner, MD, MPH, MacColl Institute for Healthcare Innovation at Group Health (Seattle, WA)
Lara Salazar, SPHR, Montana Primary Care Association (Helena, MT)
Sue Barba; Ashley Crawford, LPN; Megan Kiser, RN; Jessica Carmen; and Susan Hamilton, Beaver Falls Primary Care & Behavioral Health Center (Beaver Falls, PA)
Jay Brooke, High Plains Community Health Center (Lamar, CO)
Audio & video program
Presentation slides
Optimizing the Role of the Front Desk Staff (December 15, 2011)
Moderator: Katie Coleman, MSPH, MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation at the Group Health Research Institute (Seattle, WA)
Speakers: Katie Bell and Prathiba Pinnamaneni, Neighborcare (Seattle, WA)
Audio & video program
Presentation slides
Neighborcare Medical Clinic Tasking Guidelines
Optimizing Your Care Team in the Medical Home (April 30, 2010)
Moderator: Donna Daniel, PhD, Qualis Health
Speaker: Catherine Tantau, BSN, MPA, Tantau & Associates
Audio & video program
Presentation slides
How to Deploy Teams that Provide Continuous Team-Based Care (January 12, 2010)
Moderator: Ed Wagner, MD, MPH, MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation at the Group Health Research Institute (Seattle, WA)
Speakers: Pat Jacobsen, RN, and Morris Askenazi, MD, La Casa/Quigg Newton Family Health Center (Denver, CO); Somava Stout, MD, Kirsten Meisinger, MD, Megan Littlefield, MD and Nitzali Rivera, MA, Cambridge Health Alliance (Boston, MA)
Audio & video program
Presentation slides
Mammogram Workflow Sheet
Structured Communication Methods to Enhance Team-Based Care (November 23, 2009)
Speaker: Sharon Eloranta, MD, Qualis Health
Audio & video program
Presentation slides