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Quality Improvement Strategy

Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) transformation entails numerous changes—to processes, workflows, scheduling systems and the care team structure, among others. Adopting a stable quality improvement (QI) strategy gives staff confidence, skills and a specific approach to use in making these changes. Measurement is an essential part of QI. Measurement provides feedback to staff, providers, leaders, board members and patients about the organization’s progress toward transformation and the outcomes of the care they provide or receive. Health information technology (HIT) is part of the Quality Improvement Strategy Change Concept because quality improvement requires information. HIT can help practices collect, manage and report data accurately and efficiently, providing care teams with the information they need to improve processes and outcomes.

Key changes for Quality Improvement Strategy:

  • Choose and use a formal model for quality improvement.
  • Establish and monitor metrics to evaluate improvement efforts and outcome; ensure all staff members understand the metrics for success.
  • Ensure that patients, families, providers and care team members are involved in quality improvement activities.
  • Optimize use of health information technology to meet Meaningful Use criteria.

Quality Improvement Strategy Resources

Implementation Guides

Quality Improvement Strategy Executive Summary

Quality Improvement Strategy Part 1: Tools to Make and Measure Improvement
Part 1 provides an overview of QI and detailed information and case studies on two common QI methods: the Model for Improvement and Lean. Part 1 also covers the role of measurement in PCMH transformation and presents strategies for using data to drive and guide QI.

Quality Improvement Strategy Part 2: Optimizing Health Information Technology for Patient-Centered Medical Homes
Part 2 describes how practices can optimize health information technology in the context of a PCMH.


A3 Type Report Template
Do It Yourself Run Chart
Cambridge Health Alliance Practice Improvement Team (PIT) Development Toolkit

Measurement Strategy Worksheet
Threshold Reference Table


Spread and Sustainability in Medical Home Transformation (December 19, 2012)
Moderator: Nicole Van Borkulo, MEd, Qualis Health
Speakers: Mindy Stadtlander, MPH, CareOregon; Robert Reid, MD, PhD, Assoc. Investigator, Group Health Research Institute
Audio & video program
Presentation slides

Using Data for Quality Improvement (November 10, 2011)
Moderator: Katie Coleman, MSPH, MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation at the Group Health Research Institute's Center for Health
Speakers: Lander Cooney, MS, and Linda Hults, Community Health Partners (Livingston, MT)
Audio & video program
Presentation slides

Building and Sustaining Momentum for PCMH Transformation (September 27, 2011)
Moderator: Donna Daniel, PhD, Qualis Health
Speakers: Regina Neal, MS, MPH, and Susan Crocetti, RN, BSN, CPHQ, HEM, Qualis Health
Audio & video program
Presentation slides

QI 101: Tools for Understanding and Teaching PDSA Cycles (September 30, 2010)
Speaker: Nicole Van Borkulo, MEd, Qualis Health
Audio & video program
Presentation slides

HIT and Meaningful Use (March 31, 2010)
Moderator: Donna Daniel, PhD, Qualis Health
Speaker: Jeff Hummel, MD, MPH, Qualis Health
Audio & video program
Presentation slides

Using EHR Tools to Support Medical Home Workflows (January 26, 2010)
Speaker: Jeff Hummel, MD, MPH, Qualis Health
Presentation Slides