Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) transformation is critical but challenging work. Many practices need support in order to successfully transform—support from practice coaches, learning collaboratives, consultants or peers.
The Safety Net Medical Home Initiative built regional coaching capacity by supporting Medical Home Facilitators in each of the five regions.
The following coaching resources were developed by the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative.
Rapid Fire Session: Instruction Guide for Session Facilitators
This guide is a "how-to" for conducting a Rapid Fire Session at a learning session or regional meeting. Rapid Fire Sessions are used to harvest best practices from improvement teams based on what they have learned through testing and implementation at their site or in their region.
Implementing the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model: A Practice Facilitator's Guide to Visiting Clinical Teams
This guide focuses on practice facilitation that is used in combination with structured learning collaboratives to help practices implement a complex intervention, like the PCMH.
These Coaching Tools were developed to enhance the coaching skills of staff guiding oral health integration activities within their primary care practice. In order to use the Coaching Tools effectively, coaches must be familiar with the Oral Health Integration Implementation Guide and Toolset.
Visit the Oral Health Integration page to get the Oral Health Implementation Guide and Toolset.
The Case for Change Summary
This summary of The Case for Change: Delivering Preventive Oral Health Services in the Primary Care Setting includes talking points that coaches can deliver in a minute or less.
Oral Health Integration Program Development Timeline
This sample project plan assumes a total development time of 15 months, but can be adjusted to meet individual practice needs.
Oral Health Integration Clinical Content FAQs
This document answers the questions most often asked during clinical content training.
Oral Health Integration Workflow Optimization Mapping: A Coach's Guide
This companion to the tool Oral Health Integration Workflow Optimization: A Streamlined Guide for Primary Care Practices helps coaches plan and carry out a successful workflow optimization mapping event.
Oral Health Integration Workflow Mapping Report
This document, which accompanies the tool Workflow Optimization for Oral Health Integration, is a template for the final report produced by coaches after a workflow optimization mapping event.
Data Flow for Oral Health Reporting
This tool presents a simplified explanation of the oral health integration data flow pathway.
Oral Health Integration Referral Mapping: A Coach's Guide
This document helps coaches conduct a successful referral workflow mapping event and optimize an oral health referral process.
Coach Medical Home is a web-based coaching curriculum. It was developed by the MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation at the Group Health Research Institute and Qualis Health with support from The Commonwealth Fund.
The goal of the Coach Medical Home curriculum is to equip practice facilitators/coaches with helpful tools and knowledge to effectively support practices striving for PCMH transformation and NCQA PCMH™ Recognition. The curriculum is based on the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative Framework for Practice Transformation.
Visit the Coach Medical Home website
Module 1: Getting Started helps coaches establish a relationship with a practice and kick-start your work together.
Module 2: Recognition and Payment explains key contextual factors such as payment and recognition that need to be taken into account when working with a team to develop its transformation strategy.
Module 3: Sequencing provides a framework and coaching strategies for breaking up the transformation process into manageable phases and steps.
Module 4: Measurement describes the central role of measurement in transforming care—how it enables teams to identify priorities, monitor progress and keep focused on goals.
Module 5: Learning Communities introduces effective strategies for encouraging teams to motivate, support and learn from each other.
Module 6: Sustain and Spread provides ideas for maintaining and spreading the changes beyond the active PCMH transformation period—focusing on long-term care improvements.