Leaders facilitate PCMH transformation by charting the course for change and supporting and sustaining change efforts. A key role of leaders during PCMH transformation is to identify and allocate resources to best support PCMH transformation needs. Resources include time, dollars, staffing, equipment, technology and other types of support that either help staff implement or sustain PCMH key changes. Engaged leaders are physically present throughout transformation and sustain staff energy and motivation by working with staff to identify and remove barriers to transformation. Engaged leaders create a work environment supportive of PCMH transformation and give staff protected time and tools to make changes.
Key changes for Engaged Leadership:
Implementation Guides
Engaged Leadership Executive Summary
Engaged Leadership: Strategies for Guiding PCMH Transformation
This Implementation Guide presents strategies, tips, and tools leaders can use to guide their practices through PCMH transformation.
Engaged Leadership: How Health Center Board Members Can Support PCMH Transformation
This supplement provides ideas and strategies that health center board members can use to help the centers they govern become high-performing patient-centered medical homes.
PCMH Strategic Planning, Quality Improvement, and Business Processes Tool
Engaged Leadership (May 27, 2010)
Moderator: Sharon Eloranta, MD, Qualis Health
Speakers: Anna Roth, Contra Costa Regional Medical Center (Martinez, CA); Carolyn Shepherd, Clinica Family Health Services (Lafayette, CO); Stephen Weeg, Health West (Pocatello, ID); Andrea Fox, Squirrel Hill Health Center (Pittsburgh, PA)
Presentation slides